Are you reading this newspaper without subscribing to it? Becoming an active supporter of this important service to the women's community requires your financial assistance. Some people don't even question whether they should subscribe to What She Wants-they understand that subscribing means more than sending off a check to a post office box number. They know it means being an intelligent consumer, a knowledgeable feminist, and even possibly a political activist on her way to helping the movement move forward. Other people, well, ho hum...they procrastinate. Or they forget. They have other things which consume their time. They might


buy What She Wants pho197. every other to month. Perhaps they question why our paper posts $.50 while other heavily-adysplies Bocapuperi are free. Maybe thoseSeaterpongo how difficult

it is to maintain a newspaper which relies little on advertising, but literally depends on subscribers.

Much of what we do in the What She Wants collective depends on how we perceive the response of our readership. We. need to know our audience is out there. In a large urban center like Cleveland, we know that the feminist community is growing every year. So it is obvious that in an increasing progressive population the number of subscribers to What She

Wants should climb every year. Seeing many more subscribers each month would encourage us and justify our donations of approximately 40 hours per woman each month to produce the paper,

We started naming people who we know read What She Wants, but strangely enough are not on our mailing list. Maybe you know a few. Perhaps they need someone to budge them along, get them out of that ho hum attitude when it comes to snitching your paper. Next time, put the pen in their hands, and give them the postage. Then finally, they'll get the message and we'll be able to get our message out to you.

-Carol Epstein




The Selling of the Women's Movement. Women in Business..



Interview with the Muse.. Six of One...




Bits & Pieces...

HEW Sterilization Guidelines.

Nestle's Does It Again....


Boos, Bravos, and Tidbits.. Cleveland Women's Groups..


Clio's Musings.


Pro-Choice Coalition Demonstration March 31. Rediscovering Women in Music..


Find It Fastest.


Letters to WSW



Michigan Court Rules in Favor of Lesbian Mother.. 4 Sears vs Affirmative Action....



Serena vs PA Dept. of Welfare...


What's Happening.





back cover





Dear What She Wants,

The Cleveland Pro-Choice Action Committee would like to thank everyone involved with the activities which commemorated the January 22 anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. We feel that the Friday night celebration, the fund-raising dinner, and the spirited and militant picket of the so-called Right-to-Life meeting were very successful. Moreover, we feel they may have helped to begin a movement to roll back the "forced pregnancy fanatics" and a movement which supports the real freedom for all women.

What She Wants

What She Wants goes to production the middle of the month. Copy should be submitted the first week of the month so that we can discuss and edit collectively at our editorial meetings. Contact us for specific deadlines. Please print or type articles. Leave material in our mailbox (second floor of the White House, 2420 S. Taylor Rd. at Scarborough, Cleveland Hts.) or mail to WSW, P.O. Box 18465, Cleveland Hts, Ohio 44118.


A MONTHLY NEWS JOURNAL PRODUCED FOR ALL WOMEN. We always like input from our readers in the form of articles, personal experiences, poetry, art, accouncements, and letters. We welcome women who are willing to help us in specific areas of the paper (writing, lay-out, advertising, distribution, publicity, etc.) and/or who are interested in our collective.


...equal and civil rights

...the right to earnings based on our need, merit, and interest ...access to job training, salaries, and promotions we choose

...the right to organize in unions and coalitions to advance our cause

...the right to decent health care and health information

...the right to safe, effective birth control and to safe, legal abortions ...the right to accept or reject motherhood

...the right to choose and express sexual preference without harassment ...access to quality education and freedom from prejudice in learning materials


A one-year subscription to WSW includes

10 regular monthly issues and 2 summer newsletters (July and August)

Individual $6.00


Contributing $15.00

Sustaining $25.00 Non-Profit Org. $10.00 For Profit Org. $15.00 DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS:


East: Coventry Books, Food Communities, Food Project, Genesis, Giklenmeister Books, Hemming & Hulbert Booksellers Central: Barnes & Noble, Publix Book Mart, Rape Crisis Center, WomenSpace West: Six Steps Down, Tish's Shoe Repair & Emporium

Akron: Nature's Way


Carol Epstein, Linda Jane, Marycatherine Krause Gail Powers, Barb Reusch, Mary Walsh


Kalhan Bareth, Beth Cagan, Janet Century, Paula Copestick, Philomena Dickerson, EFCO

copyright 1979


The Cleveland Pro-Choice Action Committee is involved in other activities, and we hope that readers and supporters of What She Wants would like to help us. On March 31, we are planning another public event to demonstrate our support of a woman's right to control her reproductive destiny. We have also decided to support the Cincinnati Abortion Rights Committee, which has asked all feminist, pro-choice, health care, legal aid, left wing, trade union, consumer, gay and lesbian, civil rights, black, hispanic, and other minority groups to come to Cincinnati to protest the National Right to Life Organization's June convention there.

Cleveland Pro-Choice Action Committee meets monthly to make plans for future activities. For more information about our work, and future meetings, please call either Mary or Chris at 579-0028. Again, thank you for all your support and help.

For safe and legal abortions, an end to forced sterilization, for full reproductive freedom for all women,

Barbara Winslow

for the Cleveland Pro-Choice Action Committee

To all WSW subscribers:

If you are changing your address, please let us know four to six weeks in advance so that we can make sure you don't miss any issues.

March, 1979/What She Wants/Page 1